Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I've Decided...

That living with one of my blog readers is not the best thing in the world.  lol  Christin's been giving me grief for months now because I don't update my blog and it's no fun waiting for me to blog!  Why don't I just blog once in a while!?!  

Correct me if I'm wrong...Doesn't she live with me?  Why does she need to read my blog?  What would I put on here that she doesn't already know?  Really, what's the point?  Oh, well at least I know of at least one of my readers.  :D 

So, I sit here listening to music off my phone thinking of things to post about and come up semi blank.  :D  Yes, I'm multi-tasking--listening to music, updating the look of my blog, e-mailing people, trying to do some math, trying to write a blog post, and drinking coffee.  And yet some how I feel like I'm falling short of the goal in all this.

Yes, I'm going to make Christin on happy camper by finally posting.  
Yes, the music is edifying, & enjoyable.
Yes, I added the page to my blog like I've been meaning to do for over a year now.
Yes, I've e-mailed the people I need to. 
Yes, the coffee is gone.

But still...

No, I don't feel like this is the post that I should be writing right now.
No, I've not changed the picture on my blog like I've been meaning to.
No, I've not gone & got another cup of coffee like I would like to.
No, I've not started on math like I should. 

Then to top it all off I look at my clock & realize it's past 11 already and I wonder "Where has my day gone?"  
No, to be fair to my self, I've already cleaned my room (but forgot to open the curtains), worked in the processing room, (but still have more work to do), worked on some "school" (but not all that I've wanted to do today), Snuggled & played with my siblings, Had breakfast & bible study with my family (but not my own yet).  But truthfully (as I'm sure you can tell) all that being said I've not done all that I wanted to today and maybe that's why I feel like I've failed.  I start getting down on myself for not using my time wisely and doing the things on my list that aren't that important.

But, then I realize...I still have half the day.  I just needed a break and in that break time I hopefully pleased Christin, and reminded myself that I still have work to do.  :D 

Off to "work" & "school".  Maybe if Christin keeps it u you'll get more blog post like I promised earlier this year. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So, It's been over five months since I last posted. I'm really truly sorry about that! In my defense there has been more things then I can count keeping me from posting. Some of them will be covered in this post, while some of them will not be.

I'll do my best to post over the next week or so to bring everyone up to date on what's been going on in my life. I promise it's been nothing majorly huge & life altering. All right I will take that back, since the beginning of October nothing has been huge or life altering. Where as the wildfire that caused us to evacuate for a week was huge & in some areas of life it was altering. But I promise I will talk about it all. :D

Right now my main accuse for not posting much will be my laptop screen. As if I wasn't havingLink enough trouble this year with my first laptop getting dropped in whey, my laptop trails had to have something added to it....

Yep, that's the screen to my laptop. This happened early in September while we were evacuated. Apparently while I thought I had kept it off of the floor of the car the entire time I was wrong about that. :-/

Working with that screen was not the easiest thing to work with and while I did not want to go out & buy a new laptop, I didn't want to use this one either. So I used my phone for almost everything I needed on a computer or the internet.

It wasn't until last week when someone suggested using a monitor & me asking if we had a spare one that I realized I can still use my laptop without having to look at a cracked screen, nor to I have to buy one. So I'm one happy camper, back to my internet surfing & slide show making days. :D

I hope to post more (both here & on Quotes, Verses, & Tunes) in the upcoming year, as well as catch you up on my life & the happenings from the past five months. :D

to one & all!