My Family

 As this blog is all about "Life as the oldest child of a large family living on a goat dairy in Texas." I thought it might be a good idea to have a place to refresh every one's memory one who is who in my family.  :D  

Instead of rewriting all the introductions to my family I've decided to take the posts that I made a few years ago and post them here.  Yeah, sure I'll update them as they need updating or add the ones that need to be added (since i believe that Dixie was a few hours old when I did her intro.)  

This way when I mention Sara your able to go see who is Sara.  Plus for all those out there who are trying to figure out the easiest way to tell Grace from Linnea or which child is the one that is for ever climbing on the roof at every chance that he can get, this should help.  

Consider it your personal Carlson cheat page.  lol

Now to Introduce my family...