Friday, February 26, 2010

It's Started!!

Most people laugh when I talk about birthdays as I almost always start of talk about it with by saying "Birthday season starts in Feburary.".  Yes everyone laughs and then says "Birthday season?".  Yes, it's birthday season.  No, we do not have a birthday every month.  But once Feburary 26th comes around we have on avarage a birthday every 3 weeks, please note as the months go by and you see birthday wishes from me to my family members that I said on avarage!  lol
Since I started this blog in March of last year Linnea is the only one who do not get a birthday wish on here, thankfully she has yet to notice.  lol


Miss. Linnea, who is more like me than any of my other siblings yet so very different from me.
 Just like me she loves to cook, have things clean and organized, teach the youngers, read, learn about guns and history.  She also has my temper, attitude (both of which I wash that neither of us had), and tendency to boss and try to do other people's work.

But unlike me she would rather wear a hoopskirt at all hours of the day, live without energy doing all her cooking and washing over a fire.  If she could get away with it we would all being wearing clothes from the '60s, make that the 1860's, going around dancing and with books on our heads if need be.

With that said I love her dearly and am grateful for the day that God gave her to us (and yes, I do remember the day she was born!) Again...

Happy Birthday Linnea!!

1 comment:

Sarah Chips said...

Happy Birthday, Linnea!!!