Saturday, September 4, 2010

One Month!

I've been in New York for one month!

One month ago I boarded a plain for the fourth time in my life. Only this trip was different from my other plane trips. I was not going to or away from family for a vacation. I was leaving for four months for an internship in New York. And this coming only two weeks after I told someone that "No, I didn't really see myself ever leaving Texas for any length of time longer then a week or two for vacation". (Never say never!)

Now, one month later I am counting the days until I can see my family & friends back in Houston for a few days. Yes, I miss my family! I miss the hugs, kisses, laughter, toddlers, older sisters, fights, debates, & everything else that comes with my family.

But I am taking each day that I have here & counting it as a blessing, as it's not every year of my life I will be able to spend months in New York & sight see everything I can on my day off. Nor is it every day I get to live on another dairy and learn many different things about goats, cheese, & showing.

The people I've met have been great, very helpful & friendly. Even if I do have a new nick-name..."That Red Sox fan". lol And then get to be told how "The Yanks ARE the best!". (Yeah, well...)

The weather is totally different, not as humid & rarely as hot as it is down in Houston. It's been very nice in the 70s to 80s with low to no humidity and some mornings or even some evenings being a bit chilly. Though, I am warned that in a month I will be coming into the cool months & will see some winter which includes snow, then they can start calling me a wimp instead of me calling them one. Meaning I will need some warmer shoes & a nice warm jackets. (Which means I will have to go buy some new shoes...Last thing on my list of things I like to do!)

It does feel a little weird not having toddlers or Liberty sharing a bed with me. I have played music any & all chances I get as it tends to get to quite here. :D And I am still having a hard time cooking for less than a half dozen people--More like cooking just for me. I've found that though I greatly enjoy cooking, like traveling alone it's not as fun to cook for oneself as it is for when your cooking for others as well.

Then there are the TONS of pictures I take to share with my friends and family so I can enjoy the trip & time here knowing that they will be able to see my trip at least a little bit through my pictures. And by the time I get ready to go home I am going to need to drive down as it will be better with all the things I will have bought for my family & friends for Christmas.

So, one month down--Three and half more to go. BUT in less then two weeks I will be to see my family & friends. As well as attend a very good friend's wedding, I can't wait! :D

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