Thursday, December 23, 2010


Yes, I'm back here to stay.
Yes, I might visit New York once in a while.
No, I did NOT find my guy while up in New York!
No, I didn't enjoy the cold all that much.
Yes, I saw some snow...A small dusting.
Yes, I'm glad to be home!

And those are just some of the answer to the questions I've been getting in the past week. :D Some of them are normal and I don't mind however there are a couple that are starting to get on my nerves (y'all guess which ones. lol)

In the week that I've been here I've worked two markets, gone to church milked the goats, help to get ready for market, and cleaned my room (I didn't leave it in the best of conditions, & the kids worked in there while I was gone so it's a wee bit messy).

I'm now working on the last minute Christmas things & wrapping the last 20-30 gifts I have to wrap. That is the main reason I've not done any Christmas posting, sorry!

Y'all enjoy your snow, humidity, or what ever weather your having this Christmas. Enjoy your family & friends. And all have a VERY MERRY Christmas!! I'm off to do some household chores & enjoy the season & all with do to celebrate it with my family!


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