Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I am Blessed!!

We always talk about being rich, poor, or indifferent. Some people want to have oodles of many and nice things, while others want just enough to live with?

It bothers me when people say that they aren't that rich, or they had more riches or stuff! I've been know to turn to my sisters and tell them that they ARE rich and blessed beyond they're wildest imaginations! After all the have TVs, running water (warm mind you!), and oh, yeah heaters & cars! There were some kings that didn't have half of that & thought they were rich! And That's not to mention their family & friends that they have been richly blessed with.

I look back to a year ago right today and feel doubly blessed with all that God has given me! A year ago today I posted this. In which I talked about the things that had been going on in our life the first month of 2010....

When mom had headaches so bad we were worried about how it might affect her pregnancy, our washer had died, then our dryer started eating our clothes (at least that's what it looked like), our water heater broke, our stove broke, and both monitors for the computer broke.

So, now when a sister complains about not being rich or a brother talks about wishing they had something that they don't or can't have. I remind them about last year....Where we couldn't take hot showers during a cold spell, when we were limited by what we could cook--It had to be cooked in the oven or on one hot plate--Or the not so minor things, such as having to help mom who wasn't feeling well.

Again, I can look back to it and see God's hand in it all! And use it to remind myself on those days when it's not my siblings wishing for more then what they have, rather it's me who is wishing to be rich & travel the world. That I am greatly blessed & that God has a reason for what he has me doing at this time or dealing with.

It's not always an easy lesson to learn or remember, but it's there for me to learn anyways. And I AM greatly blessed! I have 11 younger siblings, as well as a dad AND mom! I have a washer & dryer, a bed & roof over my head. A stove to make hot chocolate on & warm clothes for these horridly frozen days.

I may not have money a plenty to travel the world with or tickets to every Astros' home game, but I have been blessed with books to read & a TV to watch, so that I can learn about the world & watch the Astros' games on.

I may not have grandparents in this world with me now, but I did in the past and even though they may have driven me crazy, I can still cherish the great memories I was able to make with them while they were here with us.

Now...I've just finished two things in which I was blessed with & about to enjoy some more. :D Now I've finished my hot chocolate & my laptop about to die (something many a President wasn't able to say) I'm off to bed in a warm house with blankets & Seth to keep my warm on this frigid night!

Y'all enjoy your snow or warm weather & all the blessings that God has given you this day...

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