Thursday, October 4, 2012


For those of you who have been reading this blog from the beginning I'm sure you'll remember about my learning disability  If not here is a reminder.  :D

With it comes great writers block, so I'm asking for help,  What would you like me to post about?  What questions do you have about the dairy, my soaps, my siblings, my life that I have not covered over the past few years.

What thing in my life have you wondered about, but never could figure out how to ask me?  (If you've ever had that problem.  :D ) 

If you are that person, this post is for your?  What do YOU want me to blog about?  What would you like to ask me?  Ask away, I need help for blog topics and while I know people have asked me things & given suggestions in person.  I tend to forget what they are when I go to sit down and talk about those topics.

So, please help!  Bring on the questions!

1 comment:

Texadus Farm-Wife said...

How do you think you've changed most since switching to farm life?