Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

It's Emma's 12th birthday today and I can't believe she's that old!! I remember when she was born, (not just the day, but down to the very minute when she was born) and it always amazes me when I realize she's as old as she is. (Tends to make me feel old. lol )

When she was born I didn't think that before she reached the teen age years we would be living in the country and she would be the Miss. Emma of the stray dogs, injured animals, and craziness. I never thought that that little four year old who wouldn't let anyone but mom, dad, or myself hold her would want to be a butcher when she grew up. I never thought that the kid who hung onto me so tightly people thought she was my child would be the only one who would be out in the back with me as I butchered or did necropsy. She's one amazing and weird child and I am so glad that she's my sister and I get to live with her and have her in my life. (Even if she does drive me crazy with her antics!)


Sarah Chips said...

Happy Birthday to Emma!!!!!! :)

Linnea said...

Late Happy Birthday Emma:)

Anonymous said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy