Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Lead me not into temptation…"

Or in this case, library book sales. Those brown bag sales are the WORST! Ten dollars a bag, and you cram as many books in there as you can. My goal? Never to have a bag with less then 20 books per bag, it's just HAS to be worth my money for me. Especially since I always have to leave 75% of the books there.

Does anyone remember me talking about this last year? (To jog your memory here's a link :D ) If last year's amount of books bought sounded high wait until you hear this years! But, then again I went in knowing I was not going to be buying less then two bags, since again I was also looking for gifts (I always tend to think a couple birthdays or Christmases ahead of myself. :D ). But this year I was also looking for books to sale on half.com, so I knew I would leave with more then last year's.

And I did! I was doing great, two bags and just over 40 books (I stop counting once I've reached 20 books per bag) and then I saw them two books from a series that I have been wanting for years! These books rage from $10 to $20 each and there are four books in the series. I couldn't believe it, two books in one bag and I would be saving myself well over $20! But, then the back wouldn't have even been 1/4 of the way full and I still had a slight bit of room in bag #2.

So what should I do? Go through the bags and resort the books, hoping to get them all into two bags or go back through the books and maybe I would be able to find a few more gifts or personal gifts? I asked Christin and she agreed with me--Fill the third bag!!

And so we went searching, filled the third bag and then I was dragged towards the door, with Linnea rolling her eyes at the weight of the bag she was carrying and Christin muttering threats along the lines of "If you look, touch, or even THINK about buying another book I might personally thrash you!! All these books and no place to put them! What is thinking? Or is she thinking?!?!?!"

We paid and left, the girls grumbling and walking slowly under the weight and I walked along talking about the books, and how I wish I could get more! As soon as we got home I dumper them out, sorted them and then counted them. Only to look up and realize I really did not have space in my room for another 66 books!!

One of these days my family will get the shirt that they keep threating to get me. Until then I'll just quote it on my blog.
"Lead me not into temptation…especially bookstores"


Sarah Chips said...

I am like that too...only with Dictionaries and other resource books. My family used to point out those type of books when ever at thrift stores or garage sales but now they don't say a word and try to keep me from going near them. I wonder why... heehee
Enjoy your new books!!! :-D

CamsShel said...

Don't leave us in suspense--what is the book series that led to books 43-66?

Katarina said...

Oh, sorry about that! Books one & two of Douglas Southall Freeman "Lee's lieutenants".