Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"So, College?"

"So? Where are you going to college?"
"What are you going to do after you graduate?"
"Have you thought about what you want to do in college?"
"What are you doing now that your finished with high school?"

Have you had any of those questions asked of you? Well, I have. I've been answer these questions for the past 4 years and am still get them all the time. At first I fumbled with the answer, as I didn't have one and hadn't thought to have an answer to that question.

At first I would answer with..."Well, I'm not going to college as I see no need to right not." as that wasn't the most tactful of answers and one that got quite a few raised eyebrows and arguments I slowly came up with an answer that would not offend, that would be honest about my views, and would not lead to very many more questions.

Now the answer has changed over time, as I used to take course online but am currently not doing so (even though I do plan to start again soon). But as a young adult who has her own business and is helping with the family business I don't have to say much past those two facts as it is amazing enough to most people that I'm not only doing those two things, but I am currently living at home as well. So my current standard answer amazes enough people that I don't have to expound further then....

"I'm currently helping with the family business and running Swede Farm Naturals, as well as helping with the children and home."

Now I do have those people who push further and would like to know why I didn't or don't go to college and to those people I kindly answer their questions....

"I am currently not going to college as I had no need to go and felt it wouldn't be a good steward of the time and money that God had given me to go to college without a reason. Yes, I have taken courses online and hope to take more in the future." and sometimes..."Yes, if sometime in the future I feel that God is calling me to do something that entitles going to college I will then pray that God will provide the funds and the time to do so as it is in his will that I do so."

Yeah, they are long winded answers, but the time that it took to come to that point in my life and realize that I didn't need nor want to go to college wasn't something that I decided the day after I graduated from High School. Rather it was a decision that took a few years and lots of praying to decided.

No, I don't think that's the answer for every female out there and I am NOT bashing those that have decided to go to college! I back Grace up 100% in her Vet tech dreams, which would mean two years of college and if she felt that God was leading her to be a vet then I back her up in that 110% and that means even more time in college. Same for Sara and her pursuits in photography! Or any of my other siblings, if for any reason they feel that they should go to college then I will back them up and help them in any way that I can.

I just feel that it's not the path for me. I love my jobs and the time that not going to college and helping the family has given me. I in no way, shape, or form regret the choices that I have made in furthering or not furthering my education in the standard way of doing so.

Trust me there are many things that I have learned in my life as the oldest to 11 siblings, product manage for Swede Farm Dairy, and sole proprietor of Swede Farm Naturals that I could NEVER have learned by getting a college degree!

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