Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day?!?!?!?

Yeah right! lol

So, we did let dad sleep in this morning, mom and I did go searching all of Houston and the Woodlands for his favorite beer, The kids got him candy, coffee, and other gifts and I have yet to give him my gift, not to mention we are cooking one of his favorite dinners. :D

But I think Judah and Noah gave him a father's day gift he never thought about. lol We, I don't think he thought about it 21 years ago, it's just not those things you think about when your first child is born (esp. when it's a girl) and then when your first son is born after six girls, you think you've got it covered (at least that's what they say) but sometimes life throws you a curve ball. lol

Noah and Judah were sword fighting and apparently Noah hit Judah in the head with his "sword" and Judah came in crying-more like sniffling "Noah hit me!!". So Judah is going in for his first set of stitches ever!

O.K., so yes Christin and I did do sword fights, arm wrestling, and other tom foolery, and yes I have been known for giving siblings black eyes, and yes we have had to do ER injury trips for the girls (all thanks to one person!). But at least we had the decency to wait for a non-important dad day! :D


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