Friday, September 25, 2009

"Do You Get Paid?"

With living a different life style we get many different questions. These questions have changed over the years, as we have gotten older, moved from the city, started the dairy, or as we tackled other things God has handed us to do. With some of the questions we already have answers for them, while others might leave us thinking for a few minutes before I can answer them and sometimes feeling we didn't give the best answer for that question.

One question I personally get a lot, at markets, at church, from other goat people, friends, and even sometimes family--as far as I know I am the only child who gets this question is--Do I get paid for working with my family in the dairy?

The answer is yes.

I get my clothing and food paid for as long as I am reasonable and do not want the $50 shirt or steak every night for dinner, if I want those things I have to pay for them.

I also get rent for free, with rent comes a room of my own (as long as I don't mind sharing it with five bookcases and enough books to fill them), free use of the washer, dryer, kitchen, Internet, and cable. Oh and my own AC window unit.

I also have my car insurance paid for as well as any maintenance and gas paid for.

Not to mention the bonuses--Baseball games, almost weekly trips to the library, time alone when I need it, milk for my soaps, books bought, extra chocolate, extra coffee, time to play with my siblings, time for further education if I so desire, and many more.

And I get paid all this, for what? To help my family run the family business, both of which are blessings from God. Why should I complain or want to leave this? I think I have the best deal in the world. :D


N said...

Before I got my job as a nanny, I got a small allowance every two weeks, and was in charge of saving it and buying my own toiletries and clothing.

All the other stuff is paid for though, so while sometimes I think it would be cool to have my own apartment, I remembered how blessed I am to have all the other stuff paid for for me. No rent, no grocery bills, no car insurance, no health insurance even.

Katarina said...

A couple years ago, I had a job that paid very well.

And like you though I think it might be neat to have my own place (nice and quite and no toddlers to go through my stuff) and think about all that I would have to pay and am very happy with where God has put me! Toddlers and all. :)