Sunday, September 6, 2009


I love my siblings dearly! I am very grateful that God has blessed me with them, but there are times when I wonder if there was any way I could curb their tongues! :D

My biggest issue lately when dealing with my siblings is all the things that they tend to talk to me about or share about with other people.

I am not sure if it is just me or if everyone with siblings feels this way about their own siblings at one time or another or if this might just be something that comes with being the oldest in the family, but then it might just be the size of my family, who knows.

What I'm talking about are those times when I am holding a discussion with friends at church and one of my sisters starts talking about something that I did ten years ago, which might or might not have something to do with what we were talking about, but what we are talking about happened to remind them of what I did (for the first time in that ten years of course) and they just had to share it--No matter how much I did not want it talked about!

Then there are the times when they have to share with me what they think I should be doing, be it school, reading, toddler teaching, babysitting, or when to get married!! (As if they knew anything about that! lol) The advice never seems to stop coming my way.

Or the times when I am talking with mom and when there's a lull in the conversation she asks about the discussion that went on during Sunday school the day before and wants to know about why I was close to yelling and wasn't I over reacting just a wee bit? (I wonder, was I yelling and did I over react or did my sister add a little to that story?) But, then that didn't just happen once, I have questions out of the blue like that and I not knowing what she is talking about, all because a sisters passed something on and stretched it a wee bit.

I have come to a few conclusions in the past few years (esp. more so, as I have gotten more sisters old enough to give me 'advice' or 'tattle'' on me)--1) My siblings were definitely given to me as blessings. 2) My siblings were definitely given to me for my sanctification and 3) My sisters were given to my given to my parents as an easy way to find about all that I do.

And all of this has made me think that I might have to really start thinking all more carefully about what I do and how it will look, but not how it will look to any onlookers, but how it would look to my ever present, always watching, and sometimes over cautions sisters. :D

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