Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yesterday's Answers and Today's Questions

Here you go, for all those who I am sure are dying to know the answers. :D

A: Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin

A: In 1941

A: July 2, 1776

A: 9

A: 17

A: Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, All three were from Georgia. :D

Now, for today's questions.....

Q: Can you name one of the three presidents to die on July 4th?

Q: The flag has 13 stripes. How many of them are red?

Q: On the first U.S. flag, why were the stars displayed in a circle?

Q: Which president served the shortest term?

Q: Which president was the first to throw out the season-opening pitch for professional baseball?

Q: What famous document begins: "When in the course of human events..."?

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