Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another Addiction

I have already admitted to one addiction (and that was not even to its fullest extent!), so I figured I should admit to another (I have thfour major ones :D I'll let y'all guess the other two.). The one I am going to talk about is probably my worst addiction.

I'm addicted to coffee!  Sure, I know everyone thinks they are, and I am sure there is someone out there who is sure they are to. In fact I think Grace, might come on here and tell me that she is addicted and I have no idea what I am talking about. :D And no, I am not trying to demean anyone here;  I am just talking about what people tell me and what I have seen. :)

But, truth be told it seems that my case is bad if everyone notices it.  Other market vendors make jokes about it, family members laugh about it, friends think I am crazy, and I live with it.....One of our Honorary Dairy Farmers, has given me the nick-name MC Katie--Miss. Caffeine Katie.

My family has a saying, "Don't get between Katie and her coffee!” Well, really that is one of three, but this is what they say in the morning and the one that pertains to this case.

And friends have told me that it's easy buying me a gift, "If all else fails, get Katie a gift card to Starbucks." (Where I only buy Venti Caramel Frappuccino, or Venti Mocha Chip Frappuccino.)

In all honestly I have been known to go without coffee for days on end, due to being a coffee snob. Only the best, freshest ground and medium to dark brew will do for me!  No pre-burnt, pre-ground, pre anything coffee for me.

And right now I am moaning and groaning because our coffee grounder bit the dust this morning (before ANY pot was brewed).  No fresh ground cup of coffee for me until at least Wednesday, unless I want to go out and buy cup, at the local Tea house.  I guess I either need to check my pride at the coffee pot or suffer and not get any coffee until Wednesday.  Oh, the decisions!!

But something tells me that when Monday morning comes around and I am offered a hot cup of pre-ground Folgers, that my pride will not be laid down at the coffee pot, I will turn up my stubby little nose and decided that pre-ground is below me and I will wait for some fresh ground later on.

So, much for trying to best my pride and being addicted to coffee!!

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