Friday, November 20, 2009


Right about now is when I start going into Baseball withdrawals. This is the time of year when after a long hard day of farm or house work I would love to curl up on the couch with a nice cup of extra strong, dark hot chocolate and watch the Astros play.

But, I don't get to. This is the time of year where I either curl up with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book or curl up on the couch and watch TV with my sisters.

The only problem is all my sisters are growing up and they all know how to handle a remote control or what they want to watch. So, if I don't get the remote first then I am stuck watching ranch life on RFDTV, or What Not To Wear on TLC, when I would rather be watching the History channel, Food Network, or sometimes when I can catch it Mythbusters.

But, more often than not the girls are a lot faster than I am and I am stuck watching women dress up or large families. (As if we needed to know how it feels to live in a large family. lol) So, this year when ever the baseball withdrawal hits (which it has been a lot lately, it's like when a good friend moves away!!) I am normally found in my messy room with a book, whishing that there was a game I could watch and counting the days until the winter Olympics.


Sarah Chips said...

I have a solution to your sad, sad dilemma!!! All you have to do is record the games during the season, then when it is off season just pop in one of your tapes and there you go!! You get to see the Astros play! Heehee, every once in a while my bro will pop in a tape he recorded of one of the big games the Cubs played earlier that year/previous years when it is off season and he is craving baseball. I guess it helps at least a little. lol

Katarina said...

Yeah, I tried that. The only thing is that when the girls needed videos to record family life and we were out of blank tapes, they would reuse my baseball tapes.

Plus for some reason I am having a hard time recording it off the cable.

Oh, well patience is one thing I need to work on and this is a great way to do practice. :D