Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas In The Country

How does Christmas differ from the living in the city vs. living in the country?  Well, I'll give you a few examples.  :D

1)  "Santa's" reindeer don't get peanut butter anymore.  Rather they get hay and alfalfa pellets.

2)  We all try to stay up until midnight to hear the animals talk.  (We've yet to hear them say a word).

3)  The first thing on the list Christmas morning is no longer to open gifts.  Instead it's feed the animals and milk the goats.

4) Christmas wish lists no longer consistes of Books, toys, bike helmets and computer games.  They are now, knives for butchering, goats, riding helmets, and pocket knives for chores.

(I can't believe that I have posted over 200 times in the last 10 1/2 months!)

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