Thursday, December 3, 2009

Swede Farm Happenings

Let's see...

We are recuperating from Thanksgiving and having friends over for 5 days. We LOVED having them here, and wished that they could have stayed longer. Having a break is always a good thing, but for some reason it always seems to take a week to get over that break. :-S

The Youngers in the house are counting down the days to Christmas and counting their money for our wonderful day of gift shopping. Where Mom and I get a list from everyone what they want to buy, they hand over the money and then we all go out and hit three or four stores (sometimes more sometimes less) to buy everything on the list. Everyone but dad is normally there to help pick out the items that they want to buy. But as "Santa's honoree elf" at Swede Farm I always the main one shopping and wrapping. (Which reminds me, I've got to start wrapping sometime soon.)

It's the funniest thing to hear Timothy, Liberty, Noah, and Judah sing the Christmas music that we have been playing. (Thanks to dish network we have a half dozen to dozen channels of Christmas music). The renditions and antics that we get is enough to keep us laughing half the day.

Our kidding Marathon began Sunday morning, as we were running out the door. So, some of the Carlson Clan did not go to church, while others assisted with the birth and then headed out for church. lol

We just had does kid yesterday, two LaManchas and two Alpines. The fourth one kidded around 11 PM and with her kidding, she broke our record of most kiddings in one day which was three. We got a grand total of 7 babies in the four kiddings. :D All spoken for and hopefully will be at their new homes by the end of the week.

Now we have four more does to kid. One of which is one that I bought two years ago and I am praying (well, I have been praying) for a doeling from her, as I have yet to get one from her. :D

Now, I am off to do laundry for with kidding season comes a real need for someone to stay on top of laundry and not always for us humans. Esp. in this cold we have to always have fresh towels to wipe the babies off as the enter the world and to cover them up with as it's a huge change from mom's 102 to Field Store's current 50 (or colder if it's after dusk, which all but three were yesterday). On top of that the girls are forever changing since they hate to have the birth goo on them. (Not sure I can fault them for that one!!)

Oh, plus the girls have yet to find a way to keep a diaper on the goats, so I am washing more bedding as the girls will fall asleep cuddling a goat and wake up to a nice puddle in the middle of their bed. lol so, its towels and sheets for the goats and then clothes and bedding for the girls.

And then time to prep dinner. I just wish I had a ball game to watch as I am getting a little tired of watching the "House Hunters" and "Dinner Impossible".

And thanks everyone for putting up with me messing with the blog.  :D 

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