Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This Is A First!

I can't believe that it's Little Christmas Eve already!!  And here I sit with presents all over my room and not a one wrapped.  It's a first here, there's nothing else to say about it.  Normally by the 23rd I've wrapped well over half the gifts (that would be all mine and half of the gifts that the girls are giving) if things keep up I won't be able to double or triple wrap them like I always do.  On top of that I'll be up until milking time on Christmas.  lol

At least I have a couple sisters who help, I just pray we can get them all done tonight as I am not to keen on staying up until the wee hours of Christmas morning.  :D

On a side note, I've been dusting the bookshelves in the living room and listening to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, singing along with the music has cause that question that I have had for years to pop up again--How is the doll a misfit?  I've been watching this movie for 21 years now and I have asked this question for at least the past decade and have yet to get an answer or figure it out.  Maybe someone else outside of my family can shed some light on this puzzling Christmas movie question.  :D 


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