Thursday, December 3, 2009

The World Is Coming To An End!!!

You know the world is coming to end when it's forecasted to  snow all day in Field Store, Texas!!!

In a post yesterday, I talked about the possibilities of there being snow flurries Thursday or Friday. Well it turned out I was wrong (yes, I admitted it, I was wrong).  From the very begging there was really no chance for it happening today, rather it was all forecasted for tomorrow.

When there is always a chance for snow the weather is checked every hour to see if there are any changes as the kids are praying for snow. Well, the weather did change, but all in favor of snow.

One place I saw said that they weren't 100% certain about Houston's chances for snow, but that most definitely north of I-10 was going to get some snow.  )For those of you that don't know it Swede Farm is North of I-10.)  But then this afternoon it changed yet again and again all for snow.

We are now starting the day in the upper 30's with the day getting colder as it goes.  My dad read somewhere that we have chance of anywhere from 2-4 inches of snow.  I'm not so sure if I can believe that.

But then when you look at and see it forecasting slight snow, snow, or snow shower and when you notice that it says that Waller is under a winter storm warning you know you’re in for some trouble. lol 

I sure wish there was some way the goats could milk themselves and the milk could pasteurize and bottle it’s self so that I don’t have to leave the warmth of my room.  :D  Oh, well I guess tonight is the time to pull out the sneakers and thicker jacket. lol


Abigail said...

When I saw the title of this post, guess what assumption first popped into my head? "Katarina is out of coffee!" :D

Awww... I want snow....

Katarina said...

Now, that would be a tragedy, wouldn't it? (Says the girl who has had only half a cup and can't get her sister to make another one. lol)

But, nope it's snowing and they are saying we will get inches!!

Yup, the world is coming to an end. lol

Anonymous said...

Thats not Tx like how in the world did it happen. I think that the most snow Tx has had EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!