Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Traditions--St. Lucia Day

"The Story of Saint Lucia stretches back to the time of the Vikings and the Roman Empire. According to legend, Lucia was a brave young woman from the island of Sicily, in the Mediterranean. When Lucia heard about the persecution of Christians by the Emperor Diocletian, she gave one Christian family her entire dowry. This so angered her betrothed husband, that he told authorities that Lucia secretly practiced Christianity. Lucia, who died a martyr’s death, was much admired for her courage, generosity and faith."

In case you haven't found out yet we are Swedish. (Thanks to my mom the Carlson children are more Irish then Swedish, but don't tell that to my Grandfather. lol) But, being the traditionalists that we are we do a few traditions from Sweden. O.K. so this is really the only Swedish tradition we do in our family, but it's one that our parents love and that the kids enjoy doing.

Every December 13th, the oldest daughter will serve coffee and breakfast in bed to either her entire family or just her parents. It all depends on the family traditions and I am guessing that family size. She wears an outfit of all white, except for a red sash. She will also wear a crown or wreaths with candles.

In our family it's every December 13th the oldest child gets up at whatever time she has to get all of the food cooked and coffee made for the entire family before we have to start our activities for that day. As soon as the food is made she gathers all the children into the kitchen and hands out stacks of plates, napkins, cups, utensils, plates filled with rolls or fruit and someone to carry the coffee pot. Just in case you’re wondering it takes everyone to get all of those things into mom and dad's room.

We all do our best to dress in all white as the tradition would have us do, but as I gave up white clothing about a decade ago it's hard to find all the gear for all of us. And as it wouldn't be all that safe to have lighted candles we just have one of the younger children hold an unlit candle.

You might guess that being the oldest I am always the first in line with the rolls. But in truth I am not for more than one reason. A couple of my sisters wanted to be the "Lucia Bride", plus it's hard to make sure everyone is in line and not dropping any food, plates, candles, etc. when you’re in the front. So starting a few years back we decided that when you were 13 and 15 you could be the "Lucia Bride". And for the past 6 years I have not had to go in first and worry who was spilling or dropping what, as each of my sisters from Chris on down to Linnea have been the "Lucia Bride" and made my job easier.

Once we've brought the food into our parent’s room everyone finds a spot where ever they can, food is served, we all eat and then dad does the advent reading of the day. :D It's a tradition that the girls always look forward to and I am assuming my parents do as well. :D

1 comment:

Anna Taylor said...

I tagged you on my blog!:)