Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's COLD!!

And it promises to get colder!

Yeah, I know those of you North of us are going to comment on the fact that I'm currently warm.  But for this southern girl it is slightly chilly!  It's 47 with a wind chill of 41.  All my siblings are running around with arctic jackets on, and think I am crazy to be going around with a short sleeve shirt and sleeveless jacket (if I could get away with it I would have my window open as well).  :D

Though the big news right now that is going through the house, is that there is a small chance that there might be snow flurries Thursday or Friday.   :D

While the older people in the house and those that have to either be out with the goats when they kid or who are milking are praying that it doesn't snow. While the younger children and those with inside jobs are praying that it will snow  (just in case you’re wondering I'm in the "No Snow, Please" camp).

But those who want snow can't wait to see it and won't stop talking about it.  As if they didn't get enough snow four and half years ago in Virgina.


Anonymous said...

You said it......It was 32 degrees outside this morning.

Elizabeth J. said...

Hi there Katrina! I want to thank you for dropping my blog and leaving comment in the Xmas post. I did read the wikipedia article and it proved to be quite interesting. Thank you for commenting and sharing your opinion.=) Drop back by my blog any time.

~Elizabeth J.