Thursday, December 10, 2009

You Know...

Your Predictable When..

You pull into a parking spot at church and your five year old brother shouts "Yes, Katie got HER spot!!" while another sister mutters "Yeah, her spot all right.  They might as well Write 'Katie's Spot, no one park here!" 

Or when you walk into a store to get coffee and by the time you get to the counter the lady as your cup ready and asks "Espresso shot today?"

When you walk up to get a drink at market and the person serving ask "Cherry-Lime Italian Soda?"

You pull into the parking lot and you Grandfather asks "Going for your favorite spot?  What are you going to do if it's filled?"

One of your sisters ask you to pick the movie we should watch and another one groans "No!  Not her!  She's going to pick "Yankee Doodle Dandy", "This is The Army" or some other patriotic movie and I wanted to watch something else."

One of your sisters asks you what you want for Christmas and another says "Her two front teeth.  You know she never makes a list, just get her what you think she'll want".


Anonymous said...

Thats so funny Kate. I hope that never happeneds to me that would kinda get annoying

Katarina said...

It's not all that bad, though sometimes a little weird as if they were reading my mind.

Sarah Chips said...

You should do something totally different sometime and see if it throws everyone for a loop! Like you could park in a parking spot that is far away from where you normally park even though your spot is open. Or order a completely different type of drink, etc. That would be funny and I'm sure everyone look at you like, "Um...are you my sister?!?" or ask you if you were sick or something. lol It would be funny. heehee

Katarina said...

Oh, you mean park closer to church or the door of the store? lol

Or order tea or water? lol

Yeah, some people might look as if I had lost my mind. lol

Anonymous said...

thats happened to me and I tried doing other stuff and they just thought I was weird.

Katarina said...

Yeah, I figure if I do something different people will ask me if I am sick or who am I and where did I put the real Katie. lol