Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Traditions--Christmas Day

Christmas day hmmmm....How do you describe the chaotic fun that goes on at our place during the unwrapping? Or the candy trading that happens over breakfast? I don't think there really is a way to describe it; you would have to see it to believe it.

I have no idea when the day starts for the younger children, but after staying up into the wee hours of the morning wrapping gifts, I stay in bed as long as I can. Then it's up and start the crazy day.

We start it with stockings being opened while someone works on breakfast and someone else gets dinner in the turkey roaster.

Then coffee is made and handed out, it's tradition to have good coffee with whipped cream and shaved chocolate on top. I promise you it's better than Starbucks!! Then Dad reads the Christmas story and does advent, everyone then tells who their secret person was and the it's gift opening time!

And that's when all the mayhem starts! Normally one or two people sit next to the tree and hand out gifts one at a time opening them only two people at a time. Sometimes that works, other times it doesn't. It all depends on if there are other people there helping.

As soon as all the gifts are opened and the paper picked up, everyone heads to their own spot to play with, read, and try out, etc. their new gifts. And the rest of the day is spent being lazy. We just lay around doing nothing really but playing and enjoying our gifts and time with our family. Then its evening chores and bed time for all.

Though this year it's a little different than most years, as it falls on a Friday. Fridays are our busiest days, it's the day when everything is loaded into the two cars for four markets, we make sure all product labeled, ice chest cleaned, ice ready, and people have what they need for to go to market. It makes for a VERY busy day. With it falling on Christmas it's all ready looking to be busier than most Fridays, thankfully we all ready had most of it done. :D

Now it's off to bottle milk and load the cars.

Merry Christmas to All!


Anonymous said...

Merry CHRISTmas Kate

Katarina said...

And the same to you and your family!!