Friday, January 15, 2010

Did You Know?

That I was NOT born in the country? That I spent the first 16 years of my life living in the city, living a city life?

I realized Tuesday night after getting asked not once, but twice how I liked growing up in the country or if I ever remember living in the city, that there were people out there who do not know that I grew up in the city.

Before we moved out here I was a city girl! During the baseball season I went to 20-30 Astros games, and 2-6 Rice games. We went to the art museum weekly, the zoo once or twice a month, Library bi-weekly, Wal-Mart almost daily, and for church we did Sunday school, morning and evening service, Wednesday night prayer, VBS, we did dance, visited the pool daily during the summer, etc. Yes, I was a city girl!

Yes, I do know that some of y'all already knew that I lived in the city, I'm sure that those of you who have known us since pre-country life sometimes laugh at the things that come out of our mouths or that show up on our blogs. Hey, you not the only one!! I can't believe the things that we now talk about or do!

Now? Now, when it's my AOR I milk the goats twice a day, I make yogurt, flavored milk, cheese, and pasteurize milk weekly. I go to market at least once a week if not twice a week. I help deliver goats, feed them, trim hooves, pre for showing, I butcher the animals, care for them when they are sick, and love on them when they are babies or giving us milk, etc... Five and a half years later, I am a country girl and loving every minute of it.

Was it hard for me to move out?  No, not really.  For me moving to the country was a new adventure that I loved. I enjoyed being able to do school outside on the deck or the hammock. I enjoy being able to go out and run or nap outside whenever I wanted without having to have someone else out with me. It's so much fun to be able to run over next door to see how the neighbor's baby has grown and not worry about being gone for too long, I enjoy being able to shot guns whenever I want and not having to worry about the other people around (like I even shot when I lived in the city!), It's so much fun shooting fireworks for the 4th, Christmas, New Year's Eve and day, each family member's birthday, or any other time we wish to shot them.

Is there a change in me?  Yes, I do think there is a change in me. Could I move back to the city? Yes, if God would have me to I could move back to the city, thou it would take a bit getting used to (I have spent the night in the city more than once in the past five years and took a while falling asleep. lol) but, if that is where God had me I could do it. As for right now he has me in the country and I am loving every minute of it!


Sarah Chips said...

sorry, but um, that last sentence really makes me laugh because I am SURE you meant "country" not "city".

Oh the joys of moving to the country. :p I am glad you are enjoying your country and have completely adapted to it. I have been in the semi-country/small town for 3 months now and, although I have gotten used to it, can't wait to get back to the real city. My city. Sure, the country has it's advantages but it doesn't have all the people that the city has and that's what I miss the most about it. People everywhere.

ANYWAY, I'm semi rabbit-trailing. :p Keep enjoying your country. :)

Katarina said...

Thanks for catching that! lol

Ah, but Sarah I have the city! :D I go into Houston no less then twice a week, so I get the city. :D

CamsShel said...

if you need to get used to sleeping in the city again, all you need to do is sleep in the room across the hall from you and play the radio all night. ;-)

Katarina said...

Grace wants to know what yo have against her room. lol

Sarah Chips said...

Oh Katie, Katie, Katie... going into the city twice a week doesn't count! lol If I were to do that it would have the same effect on me as giving a baby a toy, ripping it from his hands and him crying, giving it back and he stops crying, taking it away again and he cries again, etc. etc. etc. lol It's like teasing yourself here's the city! Oh wait, now it's gone... here it is again!! and on and on. lol

Ok, not sure where THOSE illustrations came from or why I thought to share them but now that I have you're just going to have to deal with them. haha

Oh, oh! Before I go. I was driving through the biggest town around the other day with my uncle (about 30 minutes away from us) and it was dark. Ahead of us were all these lights that almost looked like city sky scrapers and I got so excited!! But then it just turned out to be houses on the side of the mountain directly in front of us. Sad day. lol

Ok, I'm done. Really. I am. haha