Thursday, March 19, 2009

Birthday Pictures

I would say this would be another post where Grace might kill me (She HATES having the attention on her!) But, I think lately she is more interested in being home, enjoying farm life, playing with toddlers, and catching up on some shores, that these posts don't really bother he any more (or for right now at least.)

This is a picture of Grace's pride and joy Cowboy. I took a picture of him to HEB and they made it into a frosting like sheet to lay on the cake. I am still not sure how Grace felt about 'eating' him. But it was fun working on it! (Even if the cake did 'flop')

Grace blowing out her candles. She got sick of blowing them out when they relight for a third time, so she had someone else do it. At least we got this one picture of her doing it. lol

This is a perfect picture of Grace! Her smile and doing something she loves to do and is almost always doing....Hold a kid. (Our next door neighbor).

Gracie being mobbed by young children! (All but one are her siblings), and she loved it!

Grace and myself

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