Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Did I Ever Mention.....

I hate being the center of attention. I don't like having my picture taken, I don't like giving talks, I don't like making phone calls, I hate being stuck in a crowd of people I do now know!!

I get nervous teaching the toddlers at church during Sunday school, I get sick to my stomach when I enter a show ring, even if I have known the judge for five years and I know everyone else who is there as well, The idea of getting up in front up people being it two or two hundred is more than nerve racking.

And the job that I HATE the most about being the oldest in my family plays into my hate/fears that I just mentioned. Anytime there is a phone call that needs to be made by a younger siblings (and yes even sometimes by mom or dad) I get asked to make the call. Whenever someone needs to ask for directions or how to do things, yup, it's me that get begged to do it.

Which greatly surprise almost everyone in my family. They think, because I like being around people and playing with toddlers, and discussing things that I enjoy, that I don’t mind being the center of attention, making their phone calls, asking their questions, and talking to strangers for them. But in all honesty doing that is enough to keep me from eating my next meal. lol

There you have it—the worst job of being the oldest in my family—being spokesperson for The Carlson family. lol


Savvy Sparrow said...

Don't feel bad Katie I feel the same way i hate doing anything that may make me the center of attention. or make people look at me. I am sorry you feel this way

N said...

Oh man, I feel the same way. I rarely can stand getting up in front of people and doing anything, and I don't like having to call people and make plans, etc. It makes me so nervous. And yet I've gotten over most of my shyness when merely talking to people in person!