Thursday, October 29, 2009

What’s So Interesting?

Title anyone?


Sarah Chips said...

Hmm...well, you're dad has got a gun in his hand and it looks like you are looking down a ravine so...maybe he just shot something and you are trying to locate it after it fell? But that doesn't seem quite right either.
I give up. What IS so interesting???

Katarina said...

Believe it or not we are looking at a tree. We were over by the shed when we heard the sound of a tree falling. This is us inspecting the tree that fell down by the dairy. :D

Sarah Chips said...

Haha! You first guess was that someone was chopping down a tree but then I got distracted by something and forgot when I came back to post my comment. Oh well. And...why does your dad have a rifle in his hand (that is what's in his hand, right??).

Katarina said...

Yeah it is a shot gun in his hand.

We live in the sticks, why can't we carry a gun around?!?

In truth we were doing "target practice" when we heard the tree go down. :D

Sarah Chips said...

lol Just curious. Carry a gun around all you like, I don't care...just as long as you're not shooting at me. haha.

Well, that explains the whole picture now. :-)

Katarina said...

Oh, were used to it now. In fact for us guns are tools not toys and the kids are learning that with their toy guns as well. :D

And we don't even play at aiming a gun at anyone as you always act as though it's loaded even when your sure it's no!