Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Please Lord--

Help my pride!!

I never knew that being part of a large family living on a Goat dairy would make us famous!! lol

I know this is going to sound weird, boastful, and prideful, and if you had told me about this part of having a family owned and run dairy I would have told you, that you were off your rocker! But it's true!! (Ask my parents!!) Running our goat dairy has made us famous in the greater Houston area!! lol

We have people who come up to us at market and ask to shake because we are the farmers! Or come up and thank us for taking time to run the dairy and provide healthy milk, chocolate milk, yogurt, and cheese. Or in other cases we have people run us down in stores to talk to us because we ARE dairy farmers!

Not to mention we've been in a movie, newspaper articles, and I believe a magazine.

And that's just for being dairy farmers. We get even more attention when the entire family goes out together or when it gets around that there are 11 ('soon' to be 12) children in our family.

Very rarely can I go anywhere now a days without having someone say something along the lines of--"Oh!! You’re from the large family!!" Or "Your family owns goats and runs the dairy!” --Yes, that's me I'm from the big family and we own goats. lol

One of these days I am going to keep my word and make a yes/no shirt.....

Yes--We are all one family
Yes--You are counting correctly
Yes--We do home school
Yes--I am socialized
Yes--We do run a dairy
Yes--We do own our goats
Yes--We do milk the goats ourselves
No--I am not the mom
No--We are not the Duggars
No--I do not date


Abigail said...

rofl Katarina! that list is hilarious. :D

Katarina said...

Well, that's the top ten questions I get. And most times I can answer the question before they even voiced it. lol

The list after that...Well, I sometimes wish they would stop there. lol

Abigail said...

haha! oh come on, what are the next ten?

Katarina said...

Here are the answers to some other questions I get asked a lot. But the answer seem to take a little more then a few words so won't fit on a T-shirt. :D

Yes--We all have the same mom and dad.
Yes--I do get paid
No--I have never been in a public school as part of my education.
No--I am 21, though I do have a sister who is 16.
No--I have not met the Duggars and yes I have seen their show.
No--I have not lived in the country my entire life.
No--We are not Catholic

The first ten that I talked about in my blog where the questions that we get from people who think it's neat or just different and like that we have a large family and live in the country.

The answers here are some more sampling of the curiosity that people have over the way we live.

Now those are the people who think what we are doing is neat. Now, I have had my fair share of the other side of being "famous" or out there "in the public's eye" and that is those people that think we are crazy and are rude when they tell us or ask us about our life. :-S