Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Toddlers never cease to amaze me. For that matter, what people believe that they can and can't do also always amazes me.Seth is 18 months old. The things he does and is starting to say are amazing; he will try and make you laugh by tickling or sneaking up on you. He's one of the best cuddlers around, when he's tired he'll just climb into your lap and fall asleep.

Seth can run, yell, play, and fight with the best of his brothers (and if you know my brothers, then you know who I am talking about). He LOVES following his bog brothers around and copying everything they do.
He is also very gentle and loving. If you need a hug he knows it, he is starting to find the best ways to get smiles from everyone and he is learning what to do to get a smile from almost anyone. At the same time if he sees an animal, he has to pet it pick it up cuddle with it. He loves his family and animals!!

And while he is all the things, he is also proof that we are born sinful. I've never seen an 18 month old throw a fit like Seth can throw! It's this age that always surprises me when they look at you when you tell them no, and they reply with no and go right back to doing what they were doing.

Or, when they find out they have teeth or fists!! Or the fact that he knows what no means and uses it all the time.

Now, to go control Seth since he is running up and down the hallway with a Tonka truck, maybe he'll calm down enough to cuddle, since he’s in a great mood today. :D


Anonymous said...

Perfect pictures at the perfect time!I love the last one. Seth when he's angry.

Katarina said...

My favorite was the second one, but they were all to cute to pass up. :D